Sunday, October 31, 2010

Introduction: Goodbye Hello

California is referenced in multiple medias time and time again as THEE place to be. Living in the state for the majority of my life has provided a wealth of enriching experiences that I would not trade for the world. Although California is the perfect locale for living life, the people are really the ones (in my mind) who make the sun shine so bright.

In the history that is my life, the days before I leave to live in another country are chock-full of bittersweet goodbyes. These last three weeks have been especially bitter when it comes to goodbyes. After having a tough year of being laid-off and trying to re-establish myself in society, I finally gained speed. I figured out what I wanted to do as my career (teach English as a second language), I was working at jobs that I did not only love, but also gave me the experience I needed, and I was working forty hours a week. I was feeling less like a leech and more independent, prideful even. Also, living
in Sacramento for five years has allotted me a network of loving friends and family, who were there for me through the good times and the bad.

I'd been talking with a recruiter every now and again about teaching English in South Korea but I got the impression that I had applied too late to go teach there any time soon. My recruiter set up an interview and I thought it would be good practice. An hour after the interview they offered me the position. They gave me one day to look over the contract and give them an answer. If I were to say yes (which I did), they wanted me there by November 1st. It was October 8th. Talk about going from 'gaining speed' to Mach 3 in less than an hour!

Teaching English in South Korea is an amazing opportunity for me. This is th
e sweet. The bitter is leaving the life that I have built in Sacramento. It has been really difficult for me to say goodbye to all the people in my life knowing that I will not see them in a year, and some of these people I might not ever see again.

But you have to accentuate the positives, right? The goodbyes are almost at an end. It is the time now to focus on the hellos.

Hello South Korea.

My Visa Photo


  1. Yay! You're back! I hope you continue to update your blog while you're gone so I can read about your new life in Korea! Safe travels, friend! I miss you already. :)


  2. Miss you pretty girl! Can't wait to read about your fun and entertaining times in Korea! <3


  3. excellent beginning; the goodbyes are definitely bittersweet, but I'm so happy for you, that you are now embarking on this new adventure...:)
